Is Cannabis An Fda Approved Medicine
Many people are not aware that one of the main cannabinoids found in cannabis known as Tetrahydrocannabinol or “THC,” is actually an approved medicine by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Controlled studies have proven that THC can provide therapeutic relief for cancer patients suffering from severe nausea associated with chemotherapy. THC also can help stimulate appetite of individuals diagnosed with AIDS who may suffer from extreme weight loss also referred to as “wasting syndrome.”
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If you have ever smoked or ingested cannabis before I’m sure you have experienced an increase in appetite or relief from pain. Many doctors and cannabis analysts strongly believe that this plant can benefit those suffering from such cancer, HIV/AIDS, tumor growth, diseases or experience other illnesses such as Cachexia, epilepsy, glaucoma, intractable pain, multiple sclerosis, and the list goes on. Even the National Cancer Institute has resorted that cannabis and more specifically “cannabinoids” may be useful in treating the side effects of cancer, anxiety and sleep, stimulate appetite, nausea relief, pain relief associated with HIV/AIDS, and other serious illnesses.
However, even though there are proven facts that the marijuana plant can benefit many people or even be a substitute for certain medication provided to patients, there are certain reasons why this plant cannot gain full FDA approval.
First off, the FDA requires numerous studies conducted on a significant amount of patients (up to thousands) to verify the benefits of cannabis outweigh the risks associated with marijuana. Even though this is most definitely possible with more than 20+ million Americans who use marijuana on a regular basis, this is an extremely regulated industry and strongly controlled by major drug/prescription medication companies. Legalizing cannabis and allowing it to be prescribed to patients suffering with major illnesses would put a major dent in this industries profits..
Second, according to the FDA, medication must have measurable contents that are consistent from one dose to the next such as a pill or injection. Cannabis is much more difficult to determine how much the patient has used because the plant is mostly smoked.
Even though THC may be an FDA-approved medicine, cannabis contains over 400 additional substances that include other cannabinoids which may vary from plant to plant.
Lastly, scientists take into account the few adverse effects marijuana has on one’s health. Due to the fact that cannabis is frequently smoked by users, this can affect respiratory symptoms and cause users to have bronchitis or a chronic cough. I have personally been medical marijuana patient for over 5 years and have never had a case of bronchitis.
Keep in mind there are various ways to use marijuana other than smoking it out of a pipe or joint. Some patients may resort to ingesting the flowers or using a vaporizer which helps filter out extra smoke/chemicals and protect you from any harmful carcinogens that may be entering your lungs.