Cbd Guide Medication

Is Cannabis An Fda Approved Medicine

Many people are not aware that one of the main cannabinoids found in cannabis known as Tetrahydrocannabinol or “THC,” is actually an approved medicine by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Controlled studies have proven that THC can provide therapeutic relief for cancer patients suffering from severe nausea associated with chemotherapy. THC also can help stimulate appetite of individuals diagnosed with AIDS who may suffer from extreme weight loss also referred to as “wasting syndrome.”

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If you have ever smoked or ingested cannabis before I’m sure you have experienced an increase in appetite or relief from pain. Many doctors and cannabis analysts strongly believe that this plant can benefit those suffering from such cancer, HIV/AIDS, tumor growth, diseases or experience other illnesses such as Cachexia, epilepsy, glaucoma, intractable pain, multiple sclerosis, and the list goes on. Even the National Cancer Institute has resorted that cannabis and more specifically “cannabinoids” may be useful in treating the side effects of cancer, anxiety and sleep, stimulate appetite, nausea relief, pain relief associated with HIV/AIDS, and other serious illnesses.

However, even though there are proven facts that the marijuana plant can benefit many people or even be a substitute for certain medication provided to patients, there are certain reasons why this plant cannot gain full FDA approval.

First off, the FDA requires numerous studies conducted on a significant amount of patients (up to thousands) to verify the benefits of cannabis outweigh the risks associated with marijuana. Even though this is most definitely possible with more than 20+ million Americans who use marijuana on a regular basis, this is an extremely regulated industry and strongly controlled by major drug/prescription medication companies. Legalizing cannabis and allowing it to be prescribed to patients suffering with major illnesses would put a major dent in this industries profits..

Second, according to the FDA, medication must have measurable contents that are consistent from one dose to the next such as a pill or injection. Cannabis is much more difficult to determine how much the patient has used because the plant is mostly smoked.

Even though THC may be an FDA-approved medicine, cannabis contains over 400 additional substances that include other cannabinoids which may vary from plant to plant.

Lastly, scientists take into account the few adverse effects marijuana has on one’s health. Due to the fact that cannabis is frequently smoked by users, this can affect respiratory symptoms and cause users to have bronchitis or a chronic cough. I have personally been medical marijuana patient for over 5 years and have never had a case of bronchitis.

Keep in mind there are various ways to use marijuana other than smoking it out of a pipe or joint. Some patients may resort to ingesting the flowers or using a vaporizer which helps filter out extra smoke/chemicals and protect you from any harmful carcinogens that may be entering your lungs.

Anxiety Guide Health Health and Fitness Health Fitness Medication Treatments

Over The Counter Anxiety Medication – Learn About It!!

Anxiety can be damaging to one’s health. If it’s not diagnosed and treated right on time, this could also lead to death. Taking anxiety medications as prescribed by the doctor can help to safely relieve you of the symptoms of depression and stress. There are certain types of medications that are being used to treat different degrees of anxiety and the medication will also depend on the needs of the patient. However, these drugs will only provide temporary relief of anxiety symptoms and will not treat the anxiety disorder itself. Instead of traditional medication, you can use CBD oil for anxiety for the effective results. The patients are getting the best results from the cannabis oil. You should buy the oil from the best sellers to have the benefits within the budget of the people.

Keep in mind that there are currently no over the counter medications to treat anxiety. However, there are medications that you can take without any prescription and might provide temporary relief. In general though, these medications are simply considered as controlled substances and they often have a very powerful effect on a person’s brain. However, there are also other options for both long term and immediate anxiety relief. This article will discuss more about that.

Why the Medications are Prescription Only

First of all, you need to know that there are no over the counter anxiety medication. Remember that anxiety is not really a disease which can be cured by taking some dose of medication. This mental condition is something that would require changes in the way that you feel and think about things. This would require learning to cope with the current issues that you are facing and other things that are stressing out, and thus, no medications can do this for you.

Medications can only dull anxiety and treat the symptoms, but they will not totally cure it. The problem with some people is that they end up getting addicted to the medications and would often rely to it for the rest of their life, which can be detrimental to one’s life. Furthermore, most of these anxiety medications will often stop working right after a year or so.

Even though you will decide to take the medication, you would still need to have a long term strategy to treat your anxiety disorder.

Side Effects of Anti-anxiety Drugs

As mentioned, anti anxiety drugs are only good at temporarily treating you of your anxiety symptoms. They work by relieving you of stress and calming your nerves at the same time. These types of medications are truly effective in alleviating the pain and the sufferings that you need to deal with as a result of the anxiety disorder. But then, keep in mind that there are side effects that came with these drugs, especially if you take too much of them. The side effects would depend on the type of drug use, the dosage, as well as the patient taking the drugs. There are also instances that the side effects could lead to unpleasant and dangerous complications. Here are some of the complications.

One of the most common side effects of anti anxiety medication overdose is the feeling of fatigue, confusion and drowsiness.

There are also some individuals that will suffer from excessive sweating, abnormal sensations such as tingling and numbness of the limbs, muscle pain and extreme weakness.

There are also certain medications such as benzodiazepines that could lead to dreaded side effects such as panic attacks, nightmares and hallucinations.

Reuptake inhibitors such as the Serotonin can also trigger mild nausea to others, including diarrhea, vomiting, headaches as well as an increase of blood pressure due to drug interactions.

Other side effects would include breathing, dizziness, sedation, speech disorder and irritability.

Remember not to go for self medication if you are taking any kind of anti-anxiety drugs. It is very important that you first analyze the benefits as well as the disadvantages of a certain medication before you decide to take it. You need to see your doctor or ask guidance from any health care provider. Changing your lifestyle and getting enough sleep while going on a healthy diet can also help to treat your anxiety disorder.

Alternative other Treatments for Anxiety Disorder

Now that you knew that there are no over the counter medications that could safely treat you of your anxiety disorder, you might be wondering what would be the best alternative treatments that you can try. Here are some of them.

  • Kava

This is an herbal supplement that has been shown to be as effective as other anxiety medications. However, it must be used under the supervision of a medical professional since this may interfere with other medications. Kava is a type of herb that can be obtained even without prescription.

  • Passion Flower

Passion flower, which is sometimes known as the “Passiflora” is another herb that is said to treat symptoms of anxiety, such as muscular tension, insomnia and extreme stress. Negative emotions can also be soothed by this herb as well as spasmodic activity of the muscles.

  • Exercise

Medical experts have always stressed the importance of getting enough exercise. In fact, intense exercising can actually help to treat your anxiety disorder. The reason for this is because when you exercise, your body will release some calming endorphins that will burn all of the stress hormones that you have in your body. As a result, you will no longer feel anxious and you will feel so much better. Going to the gym for at least three times a week is recommended for those who have anxiety disorders.

  • Water and Magnesium

In some instances, anxiety can be caused by the lack of some of the most important nutrients in the body. Thus, drinking lots of water and taking magnesium supplements can help to address anxiety disorders.

While these alternative treatments cannot guarantee immediate cures, they are known to help curb the symptoms of anxiety. Aside from these, you can also try deep breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, visualization and more. Never ever self medicate with the use of alcohol and other drugs that promises to cure anxiety. This might just ruin your condition in the long run. Talk to your doctor and ask advice on how to overcome anxiety.

Cbd Guide Insomnia Medication Online Sleep Disorders

Main Adverse Effect Of Insomnia

Researchers run into a big problem when it comes to designing trials involving humans and lack of sleep. From the earliest days in the caves, it’s been obvious that depriving someone of sleep makes them irritable and no fun to have with you while chasing after your food with a pointed stick. Moving this up to modern times, interrogators in Guantanamo Bay have been using sleep deprivation as a technique to loosen tongues. When water boarding is just that little bit too close to torture, keep someone awake long enough and they start talking. But the ethical guidelines for research say you cannot torture a human in the name of science. No matter how much people might want to become paid volunteers in a sleep-deprivation experiment, the law does not allow it. This creates a problem, but the scientists have come up with the answer. If you cannot use a human, use a mouse instead. Depriving a mouse of sleep is ethical. It’s just really hard to ask the mouse how it feels after denying it sleep for three days. So these clever scientists have come up with a cunning plan. They teach the mice how to run a maze. Then deprive them of sleep and put them back in the maze. Guess what: sleep-deprived mice forget how to run the maze. To understand what is happening inside their heads, the mice are killed and their brains examined.

Without exception, they all lack the molecule cAMP, a chemical that helps synapses bond together as learning begins. When the tests were resumed with a new batch of mice, they were taught the maze, deprived of sleep but given a drug that helps maintain levels of cAMP. Wonder of wonders: most of the mice kept their memories and were able to run the maze to recover their food. OK so here comes a question for all you humans reading this. If you suffer from insomnia, do you find your memory is affected? Do you get forgetful? Is your concentration poor? If so, you are evidence in support of this new research. We need to understand why we sleep and what happens when we are denied sleep. There are millions of people who can describe how insomnia affects them, but science needs proof of the links between lack of sleep and the process of ageing, or the development of mental illnesses, or in our performance at work. Without scientific evidence, we run of the risk of turning a perfectly natural state into a medical problem requiring treatment. Medicalization is a big threat. Manufacturers spend millions to convince us to buy their latest drugs as a cure. Labeling lifestyle issues as a disease is dangerous. In this instance, however, there is a real point to the research. Although ambien is an effective drug to treat insomnia, it is best used over short periods of time.

CBD oil for sleep help people in getting relaxed. You can buy cbd oil online at right price. Before you start consuming cbd make sure you have a prescription for it as it reacts different in different people’s body. If another drug will help improve performance at work when untreated insomnia is a problem, this will produce a big improvement in the victim’s quality of life. While we wait for the researchers to complete their work on this new drug to keep our memory fresh, you can and should solve the problem by getting to sleep – buy Ambien and have a good night’s rest.