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Main Adverse Effect Of Insomnia

Researchers run into a big problem when it comes to designing trials involving humans and lack of sleep. From the earliest days in the caves, it’s been obvious that depriving someone of sleep makes them irritable and no fun to have with you while chasing after your food with a pointed stick. Moving this up to modern times, interrogators in Guantanamo Bay have been using sleep deprivation as a technique to loosen tongues. When water boarding is just that little bit too close to torture, keep someone awake long enough and they start talking. But the ethical guidelines for research say you cannot torture a human in the name of science. No matter how much people might want to become paid volunteers in a sleep-deprivation experiment, the law does not allow it. This creates a problem, but the scientists have come up with the answer. If you cannot use a human, use a mouse instead. Depriving a mouse of sleep is ethical. It’s just really hard to ask the mouse how it feels after denying it sleep for three days. So these clever scientists have come up with a cunning plan. They teach the mice how to run a maze. Then deprive them of sleep and put them back in the maze. Guess what: sleep-deprived mice forget how to run the maze. To understand what is happening inside their heads, the mice are killed and their brains examined.

Without exception, they all lack the molecule cAMP, a chemical that helps synapses bond together as learning begins. When the tests were resumed with a new batch of mice, they were taught the maze, deprived of sleep but given a drug that helps maintain levels of cAMP. Wonder of wonders: most of the mice kept their memories and were able to run the maze to recover their food. OK so here comes a question for all you humans reading this. If you suffer from insomnia, do you find your memory is affected? Do you get forgetful? Is your concentration poor? If so, you are evidence in support of this new research. We need to understand why we sleep and what happens when we are denied sleep. There are millions of people who can describe how insomnia affects them, but science needs proof of the links between lack of sleep and the process of ageing, or the development of mental illnesses, or in our performance at work. Without scientific evidence, we run of the risk of turning a perfectly natural state into a medical problem requiring treatment. Medicalization is a big threat. Manufacturers spend millions to convince us to buy their latest drugs as a cure. Labeling lifestyle issues as a disease is dangerous. In this instance, however, there is a real point to the research. Although ambien is an effective drug to treat insomnia, it is best used over short periods of time.

CBD oil for sleep help people in getting relaxed. You can buy cbd oil online at right price. Before you start consuming cbd make sure you have a prescription for it as it reacts different in different people’s body. If another drug will help improve performance at work when untreated insomnia is a problem, this will produce a big improvement in the victim’s quality of life. While we wait for the researchers to complete their work on this new drug to keep our memory fresh, you can and should solve the problem by getting to sleep – buy Ambien and have a good night’s rest.