
Am I Still a Man? Dealing with Sexual Dysfunction and Aging

In the conversations about sex and seniors, few people talk about a big problem in aging and that’s impotence. The causes of impotence are many, from prostate problems, circulatory difficulties, movement disabilities, and lack of confidence because sex takes more time and patience and isn’t like the good old days. Still, it isn’t talked about the way it needs to be.

Disgusted employee being victim of harassment and a colleague watching her

Sex problems cross all generations but the hope of solving them is lessened with age. While a man still thinks about women with lust in his heart, as Spencer Tracy so eloquently said in the film Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner when talking about his continuing love for Katherine Hepburn who played his wife in the film. Older men have memories, but they would rather have the continuing sex experience and they may say kissing, talking, and holding hands is enough, not quite so eloquently as Tracy did in the movies, but they worry nonetheless and need to talk about it.

So here are several suggestions. Don’t wait for the problem to get so bad that it can’t be discussed, moreover, after consulting your doctor you can start with medications like hyper male force that can help you tackle this problem. If sex remains difficult for an extended period of a month, that’s ample time to figure out that the problem isn’t going away. The best time, however, to talk about sexual dysfunction is even before it begins. Talk about it soon and cover the “what ifs” One of the “what ifs” is the difficulty in performing. A couple needs to face what that might mean and talk about options once they reach late middle age. Visit a doctor and talk about the issue as a team. Talk about possible solutions with a trained specialist who has special education in sex problems and is able to provide counseling and deal with seniors temperamentally and through experience. 

Finally, seek comfort and moments of physical sharing where both the man and woman can hold each other and feel that physical connection that may be resisted when the issue is sex and the problems of performance. Take the stress away as much as possible from physical performance and instead cultivate physical affection. Assure one another that love continues with physical contact even without the great highs of arousal because of the emotional satisfaction that comes from physical contact. Men have trouble talking about sex when they have difficulties, so grandma needs to initiate activity, when necessary, as a first step to see what other actions need to be taken.

Medications for impotence can make a difference with some men, and for others, they might not work after a while. So along the way the conversations need to continue with plenty of support to discuss feelings. If a man feels angry or frustrated, these are natural responses to the loss that is felt, so this is the test of patience in a relationship. After awhile the conversations will be enriched with physical contact that doesn’t threaten either the man or woman with having to prove anything.

The decline in sexual function is difficult for both the man and woman, however, the replacement of affection that takes place when each supports the other and talks through feelings, recognizes options, and maintains close physical contact can maintain a solid relationship for seniors. The loss needs to be managed with understanding and compassion through which great love is always enriched.

Guide Printing Tips

Top 4 Design Tips For 3D Printing

3D Printing is a whole new designing technique altogether. Designing for 3D printing can be really different when compared to other form of traditional printings. If you do not follow the process properly, then it can be a real mess within a very short span of time. But, if you design and execute the entire process properly, then the end result will be of a whole new level of satisfaction for everyone.

So, today we are going to discuss some vital design tips for 3D printing. Take a look at them in the below segment and also read our other blogs for amazing latest tech information.

Design To Avoid Supports –

A lot of times you would want to use supports in order to get a good grip over the overall quality of printing. But we would recommend you to design in such a way that you can work without them. Even though at times, they will be absolutely necessary, leaving those aside, try to avoid them as much as you can. It will help you save a lot material and cut down overall printing costs. Supports are thrown away once used.

That is why they are a complete waste after use. Adding support also takes a lot of time to manufacture the end product. Keep in mind that supports add more complexity to the design, arising more probability of errors. So, avoid using supports as much as you can.

Prevent Overheating & Warping –

While carrying out 3D printing, you must always prevent overheating and warping. Prints that come with narrow parts can get overheated very easily. In order to reduce the heat generated over a particular place, you must disperse the heat uniformly all over. Divert the hot tip from the material and avoid it from burning the product. You can do so by using a thin object and let the tip cool off over it. Maintaining an optimal temperature is always of the best essence for your desired product.

Design Your Own Material –

Depending on the kind of printed product you want, the choice of material is going to vary. It can also affect different aspects of the overall design. In case you are designing parts which are usually meant for mechanical purposes, you will always need flexibility and strength of the highest levels at all times. You must avoid wasting as much of materials you can. This will help you save and most importantly money. Always take into account the amount of material you need, how much it is going to shrink and warp once it is properly cooled. Designing your own material is beneficial.

Manage Your STL Export Settings –

A lot of people do not pay too much attention to this point, but managing your STL export setting is imperative for a good 3D printing. If you are doing your designs on a FDM printer, you will need to export the design in the format of an STL file, that represents your designs in the shape of a triangle. High poly counts help to create more detail while printing and can create file sizes that are complex for your slicing program to manage. On an average, the file size can be anywhere between 200 KB to 10 MB. However, different machines have their own set of limitations. So, keep it in mind and adjust the settings accordingly for better result.

Here are the top 4 design tips for 3D printing that you need to be aware of. Make sure to check them out and revamp your overall designing results while using the printer.

Appliance Home & Office

8 Things To Consider While Choosing Office Furniture

Office Furniture

Choosing furniture for your office is a really big and vital task as the ambiance of your office can significantly improve the productivity of your employees. Considering that, we are here with some of the best tips given by that you can follow in order to get the best furniture for your office.

  1. The first thing that you should consider as you choose furniture for your office is your budget and your future plans with your office. It is really important that you choose the furniture that is perfect for your office needs so that as you grow your office over time, your office furniture remains perfect for you.
    Moreover, the durability of the furniture in your office is another really important factor that you keep in mind if you are willing to invest a hefty sum for your office furniture. This is where the quality of the furniture plays a vital role. Here, you would like to avoid low quality furniture that might get damaged while shipping.
  2. In order to get furniture that can complement your office space, it is really important that you pay attention to your needs first. You can start by analyzing the different locations in your office and thereafter look for the best furniture for that space that is within your budget. In this case, you can take help from professional virtual design drawings to optimize your office space efficiently. 
  3. As you start looking for a furniture supplier make a list of the furniture that you need for your office. Here, you can also get in touch with your staff and learn more about their needs. If you have any employee that is physically disabled, it is really important that you pay attention to their needs as well. Once you are ready with your list, you can start looking for a supplier in your area and get a quote
  4. Now that you are ready with your list and quotes from different suppliers, you should compare that and look for the best possible options. You can also look for cheaper alternatives to some of the furniture in case things go out of your budget. In such cases, you can consider refurbished furniture as well. 
  5. It is recommended that you choose a supplier that is close to your office so that you can get timely delivery of your furniture. This will also help you in minimizing the shipping damage as well. Once you are satisfied with the delivery time and date you can plan your further steps accordingly. 
  6. You will be surprised to see how new and refurbished furniture are similar in their quality. That is why, if you are short on your budget this is a really great and effective way to get really great piece of furniture for your office. For that, you can also try out auctions and yard sales as well.
  7. In order to determine the quality and build of the furniture, you can get a good look at the warranty card of the furniture. That will give you a fair amount of idea about the quality and the durability of the furniture that you are interested in. Moreover, you should keep all these warranty cards handy in case you face any problem with the quality of your furniture. 
  8. Lastly, buying furniture can be quite expensive for some of us. This is why it is recommended that, if possible, you can also look for different financing options. You can also lease your furniture but it is important that you read all the leasing terms and conditions carefully as you might end up paying a hefty amount in end. 

These are the 8 most vital things that you should consider as you look for perfect office furniture. 


Measure Your Feet on Measure Your Feet Day to Prevent Foot Problems

January 23rd is Measure Your Feet Day. I was a little surprised to learn of this, as it seemed so…strange. But it caused me to stop and think. How long has it been since you’ve had your feet measured, or measured them yourself? For me, I think it’s been since my teenage years. Since I stopped growing, I’ve always assumed my feet were a certain size and have always worn shoes that were that size. But is this a good thing? Unfortunately, people tend to neglect their feet until they find themselves in inordinate pain. Measure Your Feet Day can serve as a reminder to take care of our feet.

There are good reasons to measure your feet on this day. For one, you’ll know exactly what shoe size you are. You’ll also know whether your feet are wide or narrow, instead of merely looking at your feet and guessing. I look at my feet and think they’re medium, but I’m small overall so they may actually be narrow. Too many people wear shoes that don’t really fit them or support their feet. Most of us don’t realize how much wearing ill-fitting shoes can damage our feet. I’m reminded of the popularity of flip-flops this past summer and the warnings podiatrists gave against this fad as a result, this is how our experienced podiatry professionals can help us in taking care of our feet. 

It’s very important to measure your feet if you order footwear online because these shoes you can’t try on to see if they fit. And bear in mind that different kinds of footwear may run different sizes. Boots, for example, might run smaller than athletic shoes. And according to the information I found on New Balance Shoes’ website, our feet can grow with age. So doesn’t it make sense to have your feet measured each year to make sure you keep buying shoes that fit?

But if you don’t measure your feet and you continue to wear poorly fitting shoes, what’s the worst that can happen? The most obvious thing you’ll notice is pain. But you could also end up with bunions and ingrown toenails, which, if not treated properly, can lead to infection. Severe enough infection may warrant the removal of the affected toe. And even if you don’t get an infection, your feet will not be very pretty to look at, and you probably will not want to show them off. What good will all of those cute poorly fitting shoes be then? Gregg Hall has some more warnings for people wearing poorly-fitting shoes. He also has a step-by-step article on measuring your feet here.

Buying guide Electronics Guide

How To Buy Your First LED Grow Light

Maybe it is your first time planting some weeds at home. Well, Marijuana isn’t something that you can brag with your neighbors. It could get you in serious trouble especially since each state has their own laws and regulations with regards to handling these types of plants. So, it wouldn’t be completely strange to want to plant weeds indoor. But before your venture can be successful, shopping for the Best LED Grow Lights Of 2020 is necessary. In this article, we are going to give you some tips on how to get started.

Do Some Research About Your Plants

Plants really have a pretty tight relationship with light. If you are unable to provide your plants with the right kind of light, they may not grow as healthily as you may expect. So, take some time to Google your plants and the kind of light as well as the nutrients that they need. But even when you do that, we still advise you to list down the plants that you have so that you can bring it to the seller. He will surely know the kind of lights that will be best.

Determine The Size Of Your Grow Area

Just like everything else in this world, grow lights also come in different shapes and sizes. This is something that you really need to give a thought about. Why? Well, it is because the bigger the light is, the hotter is going to get.

And if it ever becomes too hot in your grow area, you could end up burning your plants instead of helping them grow healthily.

If you just come to the market without any idea of how big or how small your grow area is, you could end up getting lights that provide to little heat to your plants. It would be no use. Your plants would wither away in no time.

Look For Brand Recommendations

Before going to the market, it would be a good idea to start looking into various light brands. Having a specific brand in mind will let you get insight on how the quality of the products that they provide.

List down at least five brand that you are interested in. Once you do, Google them for relevant product reviews. List down the pros and cons. Analyze them carefully. Find out which capabilities and features are important to you. This is just to give you an idea. It would be a pity for you to buy a grow light that actually possesses all the qualities that you don’t need in your grow lights.

Go To The Market

A lot of people prefer to purchase their lights online. While we are not totally against this idea, we don’t really recommend this if it your first time to buy a grow light. We would rather that you go to the location for the experience. Take the lights in your hand. Get a feel of the item that you really want to have in your indoor garden.